Also, this will be written rather distractedly, as I'm watching Maura Tierney's last episode of ER, and I'm a little teary...
Hmm, anyway.
Question: What do I LOVE this week?
Answer: Mr & Mrs Smith
What is Mr & Mrs Smith?: well, to clear up any misunderstandings, I am not talking about the movie with Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie. No sir. I am talking about the 1996 television series, starring Scott Bakula & Maria Bello.
Mr & Mrs Smith (not their real names, of course), were spies. They were basically just a spy partnership, who were not allowed to share any personal information with each other. Obviously, that's going to work, because their spies. What one doesn't share, the other will find out.
Unfortunately, the show was cancelled after 1 season, and left many loose ends, well, loose!
Why do I love it?: for one, Maria Bello. I mean, Jolie can never beat out the Bello!
Also, the show was generally awesome, particularly for someone who likes that kind of thing (i.e. me) The way little pieces of information were revealed throughout the course of the show was amazing. It always left me wondering what they were going to find out next. From Mrs Smith's high school yearbook and her identity bracelet, to Mr Smith's 'awesome fake accent', and the fact that he sucked at hiding secrets.
And FYI, in case anyone wants spoilers:
Mr Smith - Real Name: Jerry Rawlins
Mrs Smith - Real Name: Rebecca Wenzel
What's next for it?: NOTHING! Stupid TV cancelled an awesome show.
What would I like to see?: Release on DVD please? Thank you (:

Music: Have Heart, The Jealous Girlfriends, Uh Huh Her!
Movies: Towelhead, Aberdeen, Assault On Precinct 13
TV: The L Word, 30 Rock, 90210
Other: I just started reading Of Mice & Men, Brunch With Bridget, Maeve Quinlan
P.S - In this episode of ER that I am so not crying at, I'm psyched! Each doctor puts the name tag from their locker up on a wall, and I freaked out when I saw "Del Amico". BRING BACK ANNA! Even if only for one minute in the last ever episode.
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