the direct quote from the note:
"Think of 15 albums that had such a profound effect on you that they changed your life. Dug into your soul. Music that brought you to life when you heard it. Royally affected you, kicked you in the ass, literally socked you in the gut if you know what I mean."
15 favourite albums. Ever.
1. Bleed Like Me - Garbage
Anyone who knows me, knows that Garbage are one of my two favourite bands, and in my opinion, this is their best album. Each song sticks in my head, and there's not a dud song.
Favourite Songs from the Album: Bleed Like Me, Sex Is Not The Enemy, Run Baby Run.

2. Volume One - She & Him
She & Him are basically, the coolest band around. They have an awesome 50's feel, and the low-budget production of this album doesn't take away from the absolutely perfect music.
Favourite Songs from the Album: Sentimental Heart, Got Me, I Thought I Saw Your Face Today

3. Odessey & Oracle - The Zombies
I've only recently discovered this band, after the lead singer of She & Him mentioned they were one of her favourites, and I instantly fell in love with this album. So perfect.
Favourite Songs from the Album: A Rose For Emily, This Will Be Our Year, Beechwood Park

4. Give Up - The Postal Service
My cousin put "Such Great Heights" on a mix CD for me a few years ago, and it quickly became my favourite song. After downloading the whole album, any song can still put a smile on my face. Ben Gibbard is a lyrical genius.
Favourite Songs from the Album: Such Great Heights, Clark Gable, Recycled Air

5. beautifulgarbage - Garbage
This third album was bombed by critics, who described it as too "girly". I have no idea what they meant by that, but each song on this album is truly brilliant, and the variation in style blows me away.
Favourite Songs from the Album: Can't Cry These Tears, Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!), Cup of Coffee

6. Hold On Tight - Hey Monday
Being dubbed as 'the new Paramore' may put some people off, but don't let that distract you. In fact, ignore the comparisons completely. Cassadee's voice is truly incredible and after seeing them live, I'm even more in love with this band.
Favourite Songs from the Album: Josey, Obvious, Arizona
7. Common Reaction - Uh Huh Her
Uh Huh Her are definitely one of my favourite bands. Their electro, indie style is not something that would usually appeal to me, but these guys make it work by mixing it with lyrics that actually mean something.
Favourite Songs from the Album: Dance With Me, Common Reaction, Dreamer

8. Made Of Bricks - Kate Nash
This album was just so happy-go-lucky and fun to listen to, that I couldn't miss it out of my favourite albums list.
Favourite Songs from the Album: Nicest Thing, Birds, Pumpkin Soup

9. Brand New Eyes - Paramore
Paramore's highly anticipated new album, totally lives up to the hype. Definitely one of the greatest albums of 2009.
Favourite Songs from the Album: The Only Exception, All I Wanted, Brick By Boring Brick

10. A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out - Panic! At The Disco
My favourite album when I was 15. Much better than anything else they did. So original and just generally brilliant.
Favourite Songs from the Album: Build God, Then We'll Talk, Camisado, I Write Sins Not Tragedies

11. (500) Days of Summer Soundtrack - Various
I was a little unsure about putting a soundtrack on here, but it's so brilliant that I couldn't ignore it's affect on me. Every song on this is incredible and I've gone a step further to download songs that aren't included on the album, but are in the film. (sidenote: if you haven't seen this film, do.)
Favourite Songs from the Album: You Make My Dreams - Hall & Oates, Bad Kids - Black Lips, Us - Regina Spektor

12. One Of The Boys - Katy Perry
I've been totally in love with Katy Perry for a really long time now, and I downloaded this album when it was all available free from her myspace page. It may seem like good, poppy fun, but there's some really beautiful songs in here, and live, she blows my mind.
Favourite Songs from the Album: I'm Still Breathing, Fingerprints, Self Inflicted

13. Riot! - Paramore
Paramore's second, and massively popular album really is as good as everyone makes out it is. Gorgeous mixture of good rock songs and the occasional ballad.
Favourite Songs from the Album: We Are Broken, Crushcrushcrush, Decoy (Deluxe Edition)
14. Garbage - Garbage
Garbage's first album is still as brilliant as ever. It's rock tones combined with Shirley's dark voice, and the incredible lyrics make for a perfect rock album.
Favourite Songs from the Album:Vow, Super Vixen, Only Happy When It Rains

15. Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
I remember going into town specifically to buy this on the day it came out, and it did not disappoint. Her first album is definitely her best, and each song is as good as the last.
Favourite Songs from the Album: I'm A Bomb, We're All Mad, Size Matters