Saturday 3 October 2009

Another Song Recommendation Thingy :)

I realised I hadn't shared my favourite songs in a while, so here I am!
I'm going to put a little "*" next to the ones you really NEED to listen to :)

#10 : Where Were You? - Every Avenue

Awesomeee! & I'm seeing them on Monday night! Yay me :)

#9 : Too Fake - Hockey

Brilliant! & Free Single on iTunes this week, so go and download it instantly.

#8 : The Only Exception - Paramore*

So insanely cute. Hayley Williams is incredible, and I'd like to seriously suggest that you all (legally) download the "Brand New Eyes" album!

#7 : Homecoming - Hey Monday

This song is just brilliant, and as with #10, I'm seeing this band on Monday night!

#6 : Next Contestant - Nickelback*

I'm not a huge Nickelback fan but there's something about this song that is just so good! Maybe it's because it reminds me of Bones, I don't know

#5 : Sweet Ballad - Munchausen By Proxy

Okay, okay, maybe they're a fake band. Doesn't stop me loving them! (from the movie "Yes Man")

#4 : Her Eyes - Pat Monahan*

Beautiful song, and includes my new favourite lyric "she's not afraid, she just lies to use her nightlight".

#3 : Thirteen - Garbage

One of the best covers I've ever heard, and Shirley's voice just sounds lovely!

#2 : Sentimental Heart - She & Him*

I love, love, LOVE this band & this song pretty much sums up why. (Also try - Sweet Darlin')

#1 : Short Skirt/ Long Jacket - Cake*

One word: perfection.

Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg

Just, beautiful, and awesome!

I couldn't really be bothered with descriptions, but I think if you listen, you should realise why I love them!

As usual, if you've got any recommendations for me, let me know.
I'll review Monday night's gig on Tuesday!

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