I feel that it's finally time to write the blog I've been avoiding, the blog where I talk about the incredible actresses, singers, pretty ladies and all round superstars (without the status), that I like to refer to as "The Sisters Deschanel".
Starting, logically enough, with the eldest of the two:
Emily Erin Deschanel is an actress and producer, probably best known as Dr. Temperance Brennan on the FOX show "Bones". Oh, I do love Bones.
Emily is incredible for so many reasons, she's adorable, she's incredibly talented, she seems sweeter than a mountain of sugar and she's prettypretty.
Plus, there's all the bonus points;
- has awesome friends (Liz Feldman & Melanie Lynskey, anyone?)
- she has a seriously good voice! (check out Bones episode - Wannabe In The Weeds)
- she's vegan, and massively into animal rights
- she has the same birthday as Gabe Saporta (I know this isn't a real reason, but still)
- she still attempts to convince her little sister that she's an alien who was sent here to kill her
- she was in the FunnyOrDie slumber party sketch, wearing a jewel encrusted bra
- she looks good in a jewel encrusted bra
- she watches crime shows before bed, and scares herself out of sleep (this is a reason, because I do this too)
- she was in Boogeyman
- when I watched Spiderman 2, 5 years ago, I had no idea who she was, in her 2 minute role, but I said she was cute
- she lived on Hooker Street (makes me giggle)
- cutest bloopers ever come from this girl!
- and lastly, "Everything I know about makeup, I've learned from my sister."

and now, about the aforementioned sister:
Zooey Claire Deschanel, is an actress and singer, known for her roles in "Elf", "Yes Man", "The Happening" and my personal favourite, "(500) Days of Summer". According to Zooey, the fact that it's impossible to have 500 days of Summer, doesn't matter, because the 500 is "in PARENTHESIS".
Zooey is, without a doubt, one of the most adorable people you will see in your life. She's also an awesome actress, and the lead singer of one of my favourite bands, She & Him.
Zooey's bonus points, I hear you ask? Well;
- is married to Ben Gibbard. (Death Cab For Cutie, and The Postal Service)
- manages to make a film I hate, worth a second watch (The Good Girl would fail without Zooey's deadpan humour)
- is friends with Joseph Gordon-Levitt
- provided a voice for the movie "Surf's Up". Word.
- "weaves in and out" of being a vegetarian
- squealed when she got bitten by a puppet of a shark.
- was named after the male protagonist in J.D Salinger's "Franny & Zooey"
- was in the fake band "Munchausen by Proxy" - youtube it.
- was in "Tin Man".
- the episode where she guest voiced on "The Simpsons", makes me smile
- she looks cute dressed as Hermoine Granger

Oh, and then there's the JOINT reasons;
- Dodgers fans.
And now, Zooey will be guest starring in the Christmas episodes of Bones this year. It'll be airing in the U.S on December 10th, and it should be in the U.K shortly after. She'll be playing a relative of her sister's character, and I'm insanely excited. Win.
Basically, I love The Sisters Deschanel, they're truly incredible.
And I didn't even mention their director father Caleb, and adorable actress mother, Mary Jo. Thank you Caleb, thank you Mary Jo. You guys totally own!

Until my next blog, keep obsessing, watch stuff with those two in, listen to She & Him, and be nice to animals.
You know you love me. XOXO.
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